And the Winner Is...

Saturday, 20 August 2022

Long time readers know and look forward to my annual 3 Pharmacy Products of the year, these are products that are hand picked by me. And of course -  disclaimer - we sell these at our little locally owned Community Pharmacy in Roslyn. These are products that we get great feedback on, products we confidently recommend and love! So without further ado, begin the drum roll….


Honourable mention for 2022: Flixonase

Okay, this product has been around for a long time now, and is still the benchmark therapy for hay fever sufferers around the world. We love it because it works - if you use it properly. If you know you'll suffer from hayfever this spring, don't forget to start using Flixonase soon (it takes about 10-14 days to kick in). Very soon, a pollen bomb is going to hit us: Pine trees are about to release their pollen in the next weeks. Ask us how to use it properly and get it online now!


Taking out 3rd place: Melatonin 2mg CR

This is an absolute godsend if you have trouble sleeping and are over the age of 55. Good Sleep is an absolutely crucial pillar of good health. As we age, our natural production of the sleep hormone Melatonin drops, resulting in a reduced quality of sleep. To counter poor sleep, we can supplement with these controlled release Melatonin tablets that help encourage a better, longer, regulated sleep. This product requires a Pharmacist consultation to purchase. There are literally 100s of sleep products available over the counter.  THIS is by far the best option. For your consultation, just come into the pharmacy and talk to us.


The second best Pharmacy product of 2022 is: FourHealth Green+

When you’re in your mid-40’s, aging well is suddenly of great interest to you! Amy and I have been looking for a high quality, high dose, good value brand of Sulforaphane for many years - and we have finally found it!  

What is sulforaphane? It's the healthy component of Cruciferous vegetables such as Broccoli and Brussel Sprouts. It's a super powerful antioxidant, which is important as most modern health conditions come from or cause chronic inflammation - think arthritis, asthma or type-2 diabetes. This inflammation causes an increase in free radicals which float around, causing damage to cells in your body. Sulforaphane essentially helps your body gobble up these molecules, reducing the damage caused.  This specific product is super interesting, it's a unique, quality NZ made product that we are happy to recommend. You can get it online, or in-store.


And the winner is… Meo Guard KN95 Face Masks!!!

They are our number one product of the year, by a long shot! At the time of writing, the numbers for the second wave are looking fantastic - GREAT NEWS! And these masks have been a huge help to all in our community. They are comfortable (trust us - we wear masks all day in the Pharmacy), they are effective (KN95 grade filtration), and (most importantly?) they look great.  Available in an assortment of colours, there is no product this year that we recommend more, or get better feedback on than these masks. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.


Take Care all - looking forward to the longer days of Spring and Summer!

Andrew and the team