Tuesday, 07 November 2017
Depression. Teens. Smartphones Something as a parent of 2 teenagers that we are so worried about - is there link between depression and smartphones use? Is there a better way of monitoring smartphone usage - we had a conversation with our kids about it - heres how it went!
See moreWednesday, 16 August 2017
Sugar free Sugar is like the Darth Vader or Quade Cooper of the food world at the moment. Everyone hates it!! But why? And what benefits would I see if I stopped eating sugar?
See moreWednesday, 16 August 2017
Roslyn Village Dunedin's Roslyn Village, in the Roslyn commercial centre on Highgate, is quickly becoming a hub for healthcare providers in Dunedin.
See moreWednesday, 31 May 2017
Experiencing Restless Leg Syndrome for the first time during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester - You are not alone. Already taking magnesium, but it's not helping? Read on to find out more....
See moreWednesday, 31 May 2017
Do you have any of these symptoms - loss of appetite, constipation, headaches, irritability and difficulty concentrating. Fatigue, coldness in the extremities, depression, pale and brittle nails, pale lips and eyelids, soreness in the mouth and ceased menstruation. Then read on to find out more.....
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