Be Nicer!

Wednesday, 04 September 2024

Running a business these days is no walk in the park. I’m not looking for sympathy—just stating the obvious. The cost of living crisis is biting hard, and people are feeling the pinch across the board, which has naturally affected how much they can spend.

Not enough crisis for you? Well, public health is in crisis too! Imagine this: you’re working flat out, handling an overwhelming workload with barely enough staff, only to be told to keep going—with even less investment and fewer hands on deck. Primary healthcare is hanging on by a thread, and I don’t have a magic fix. But I can tell you one thing—cutting investment is NOT the answer.

So, what can a small, independent community pharmacy nestled in the leafy hills of Dunedin do? Crisis after crisis, how do we stay on course and deliver what our community needs right now?

Sometimes, you’ve got to draw inspiration from the greats.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” - Mahatma Gandhi.

So, what kind of change do we want to see?

  1. We want to be nicer, kinder, and more empathetic.
  2. We want to pitch in and help out more.

Be Nicer.

We’re doubling down on what we do best— delivering the best service we can. Our commitment to ensuring everyone who walks out of Roslyn Pharmacy is better off than when they walked in is rock solid.

We Want to Pitch In and Help Out More

We know our doctor colleagues are under immense pressure, and we want to do our part to help ease that burden. That’s why we’ve teamed up with the medical services team at ReCare to offer some exclusive services that were once only available through a doctor’s appointment—saving you the cost, stress, and precious time at Urgent Doctors.


Roslyn Pharmacy is proud to introduce our See us First Clinics!

Here are a just a couple of examples of what we’re offering:

  1. Conjunctivitis Treatments for Under 2s: In the past, we had to refer your little ones to the doctor. Not anymore—we can sort it out right here and now!
  2. Shingles Treatments: If you’ve had shingles before, you know how critical it is to get treatment ASAP. Feel that telltale tingle? We’ve got the medicine you need—NO DELAY.


There are more exciting services you can read about on our website or check out our “See Us First” campaign on social media.

Good neighbours look out for each other and lend a hand whenever they can. LFG.


Till Next month
Andy and the team at the Roslyn Pharmacy

See Us First Clinics

Our trained pharmacists can now prescribe for a range of minor conditions

Find out more