Monday, 11 July 2016
It’s definitely ‘the’ thing to be hating on at the moment. Here’s my story — I don’t do diets. I love food. But here’s the thing - our family has been sugar-free for 3 years now (OK — some times I cheat a little — hey, nobody’s perfect). I would never recommend you do something that I wasn’t prepared to do — and certainly if I was about to do something ridiculous like going-sugar free — I would want to know that something revolutionary will happen to me.
But here’s the thing — something revolutionary DID happen to us — and that’s why I’m prepared to go out and proudly say — you should give it a go. So what happened to me? Well — my life long issue with asthma and eczema stopped. I couldn’t believe this one so I looked into it a little bit — it turns out Insulin, a hormone in your body that is released into your system when sugar is introduced, can be inflammatory for some. When you reduce or stop the sugar intake, Insulin drops. Hence all my chronic inflammatory conditions stopped. I was pretty much sold on it by that — but there’s more — more energy, improved fitness (I can run 10k — I couldn’t run 500m without having an asthma attack previously), lost and maintained the loss of 12kg and taste food properly (we eat delicious food every day, you just have to plan properly). My wife reports more energy, better sleep, an improvement in her IBS sympoms (and kids think a better mood). One thing about our kids going sugar-free — no more fillings in their teeth! - no scary dentists anymore!
Have I convinced you? Are you ready to give it a go? Too Hard? Don’t know where to start? Make an appointment to see Amy, our Health Coach - the first appointment is free - email or call 477 9793.